
This website is a place for me to put all my research and course materials. That’s nearly all there is to it. For superfluous information, please read on.

First, this website has been built using R Blogdown and Hugo Academic. An excellent package (or whatever the terminology is) with a great deal of helpful documentation online. Some of the more complicated parts (like the list of all topics in the posts tab) used custom HTML, but everything else was simple to do using the Hugo Academic website template. Highly recommended if you like the look of this website or the countless others like it.

Second, the website is designed to act as an alternative to using the more popular networking/research-sharing platforms. In the future I hope to escape from these entirely. Making this website was certainly more fun than setting up a profile elsewhere and required a fair amount more effort.

Finally, the website will have a mixture of research and teaching content. My teaching is mainly R and quant methods. My research is on elections and election integrity.

Dr Greg Stride
Dr Greg Stride

My research interests include public policy, UK elections, and election administration.